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Macunaíma Music and Prose

Macunaíma Música e Prosa maintains a parallel between the various languages involved – literature, music, cinema, theater – in a multimedia presentation that involves the audience and transports them fully into the theme, creating a starting point for those who know or want to know history Makunaimã, with its various layers in space and time, from the original peoples to the world and vice versa, in addition to the work of Mário or Iara. The proposal elaborated by Iara shows the work under the literary-musical aspects it presents, or rather, on which it was built, explaining the importance of music and popular composition processes in the saga. Through the songs of Macunaíma Ópera Tupi , the story is commented, using references from the original audios of the Mission of Folklore Research (an expedition organized by Mário de Andrade in the 1920s). In addition to being played live, some songs will have their genesis revealed, as well as a brief indication of the traditional references to which they refer, in addition to the analysis of the form of the text (poetry or prose) that was used in the composition and identification of its poetic characteristics. musical instruments such as meter, rhymes, assonances, alliteration, etc. These are the traits that prove that music has always been present in the work: there was only a need for those who would listen to it and translate it into instruments and voices, in short, the musical language. 

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